Prayer Time
Fajr Dawn

Prayer times in Dillsboro, North Carolina for October 22, 2024

Shuruq Morning
The upcoming prayer is Dhuhr 03:55
The upcoming prayer is Dhuhr 03:55
Dhuhr Noon
Asr Afternoon
Maghrib Evening
Isha Night

Namaz timetable

Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
21, Mon
22, Tue
23, Wed
24, Thu
25, Fri
26, Sat
27, Sun
Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01, Tue
02, Wed
03, Thu
04, Fri
05, Sat
06, Sun
07, Mon
08, Tue
09, Wed
10, Thu
11, Fri
12, Sat
13, Sun
14, Mon
15, Tue
16, Wed
17, Thu
18, Fri
19, Sat
20, Sun
21, Mon
22, Tue
23, Wed
24, Thu
25, Fri
26, Sat
27, Sun
28, Mon
29, Tue
30, Wed
31, Thu

What matters most to the Almighty Allah is a timely and correctly performed salah. Each of the five daily obligatory prayers must be performed within a specified time period, which is determined by the position of the sun in the sky. The sunrise and sunset times in each area depend on its geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and time zone.

Our website will help every Muslim in Dillsboro to determine the exact time and direction for performing the five canonical salah of the daily prayer cycle - morning Fajr, midday Zuhr, afternoon Asr, evening Maghrib and night Isha.

The table shows the salah timetable in Dillsboro for today, for the current week, and for all subsequent dates of the current month - October 2024. Accurate calculations of the time of each salah are prepared by Islamic canons according to the Hanafi school by the Muslim World League (MWL) method. You can select a different calculation method or the Shafiʽi school using the Settings menu, which is located at the top of the screen on the right.

The online map below the table is designed to determine the correct reference point when performing a salah. On the map, you can select any address in Dillsboro - the line on the map will show the direction to Qibla.

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